In 2008, Liam Neeson reinvented himself as an action star in Taken, the story of a former CIA officer who goes to great lengths to save his kidnapped teenage daughter. This film appears to be one of the main inspirations for Indifferent Penguin's upcoming game, Tackle for Loss. But this game's anonymous hero has his own set of unique skills to unleash on the people who dared to kidnap his daughter in the Tackle for Loss trailer.
One of the game's other inspirations appears to be chronic traumatic encephalopathy – or CTE – a neurological disorder often associated with concussions suffered by American professional athletes, particularly football players. The main character of Tackle for Loss is aware of his condition and the violence it provokes. There is also a touch of tragedy in his story, as he admits to not remembering his daughter's name. All he knows is that he loves her and he'll get her back no matter how many bad guys he has to pulverize.
Tackle for Loss has a very retro visual style that seems reminiscent of Hotline Miami. The game includes some strategy by allowing players to unlock moves and upgrade their attacks as they progress through the story. Along the way, players will uncover the truth behind the girl's kidnapping and uncover a deeper conspiracy linked to the criminal underworld that kidnapped her.
German game developer Daniel Wichterich himself created Tackle for Loss for his company, Indifferent Penguin. The game doesn't have a release date yet, but it's available on Steam's wishlist.